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4th Graduate Student Conference on Visual Culture

12th October 2018, National Institute of Education, Singapore

Call for Papers

Extended deadline: 17 August 2018

The National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), in collaboration with NTU’s School of Art, Design and Media, and LASALLE College of the Arts, will be organizing the 4th Graduate Student Conference on Visual Culture. The conference will be held on Friday, 12 October 2018, at the National Institute of Education, Singapore.

We invite research papers that address the broad theme of visual culture, with topics that include (though not limited to): art history, fine arts, media arts, architecture, digital design, photography, film, dance, art(s) education, multiliteracies, art therapy, curatorial studies, heritage studies, museum studies, and performance studies.

This year’s conference aims to accommodate more participants through concurrent sessions. In addition to 20-minute research papers (delivered on PowerPoint or any presentation program), we welcome presentations that center on original creative work. These include art works, films, creative writing, multimedia texts and performances, which may be displayed, screened, and/or performed, in part or in whole as part of a 20-minute presentation.

In your abstract of 300 words, please include the following:
• For research papers: The main argument or thesis, and its relevance to the theme of visual culture.
• For creative works: A critical framing of the artistic work that will situate it within the theme of visual culture
• A brief description of the theoretical framework and methodology.
• A brief literature review of relevant concepts, theories, and methodologies. (This may not apply to creative works.)

Please note that all presentations/performances must rely on the standard affordances of a laptop and LCD projector, as there will be no special facilities or performance spaces set up at the conference venue.

The new deadline for the submission of abstracts is 17 August 2018 (Friday). Please email all abstracts and enquiries to Dr Warren Liew at  Finalists will receive notice of acceptance by 5 September 2018.

All applicants must be currently registered as graduate students (doctoral or masters degrees) in Singapore, including students who are here on exchange programs. Candidates who have completed their theses/dissertations and are waiting to graduate after 12 October 2018 are also encouraged to apply.


We look forward to another stimulating conference this year with the participation of more graduate students from a diverse range of disciplines!

We invite research papers that address the broad theme of visual culture, with topics that include (though not limited to):

Art History (free stock image)

Art History


Fine Arts


Media Arts




Digital Design










Art Therapy


Arts Education


Heritage Studies


Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices


Performance Studies


Art History


Curatorial Studies

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